MOVEBO My Small Room Quiet Book Cloth Book 我的小房間啟蒙玩具布書
MOVEBO My Small Room Quiet Book Cloth Book 我的小房間啟蒙玩具布書
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MOVEBO My Small Room Quiet Book Cloth Book 我的小房間啟蒙嬰兒布書
因為您的寶寶值得最好的:我們耐用的毛氈布書經過精心設計,即使是最粗魯的幼兒也能經久耐用! 我們的書採用聚酯毛氈手工製成,絕對無毒,對您的寶寶來說是安全的。 縫線堅固,更加耐用。 在品質方面,我們絕不妥協!
完美的禮物:裝在禮物盒中,最重要的是,我們想為嬰兒送禮會或生日贈送一份禮物。 一旦孩子愛上了閱讀,這就是一生的禮物! 我們希望所有的孩子都能感受到享受書籍的樂趣。 這種對玩耍的熱愛會讓您的寶寶有一個良好的開端,並讓您的孩子為生活做好準備; 除此之外,最重要的是生活技能的提高,以及與父母的互動。
Size: 23*23*3.7cm
CPC, CE certificate
FUN: How you wake up ,and then you dress yourself, and cook, have a beautiful dinner.
BECAUSE YOUR BABY DESERVES THE BEST: Our durable felt fabric books are designed to outlast even the roughest toddlers! Handcrafted from polyester felt, our books are absolutely non-toxic and safe for your baby. The stitching is strong for extra durability. When it comes to quality, we don’t compromise!
THE PERFECT GIFT: Packed in a gift box, More than anything, we want give a present for a baby shower or birthday. Once a child has a love for reading, it is a lifetime gift! We hope all children get introduced to the fun of enjoying books. This love for playing will give your baby a flying start and will make your child ready for life; Besides, the most important thing is life skill improvement, and Interactivity with parents.