ECR4Kids Multi-Section Mobile Cabinet with 15 Scoop Front Storage Bins 多格移動櫃,配有15個前開式儲物箱
ECR4Kids Multi-Section Mobile Cabinet with 15 Scoop Front Storage Bins 多格移動櫃,配有15個前開式儲物箱
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ECR4Kids Multi-Section Mobile Cabinet with 15 Scoop Front Storage Bins 多格移動櫃,配有15個前開式儲物箱
使用 ECR4Kids 多格移動儲物櫃,保持您的教室整潔有序。孩子和成人可以組織和存放玩具、遊戲、積木和學校用品,這些物品可能會被遺忘。這款設計隨著孩子成長的儲物櫃擁有15個格子、12個托盤和五個插槽,幫助家長、教師和教育工作者將小物品放在觸手可及的地方。各種尺寸的儲物槽為孩子們提供了學校的儲物空間,可以存放作業、藝術作品和其他個人物品。耐用的塑料箱具有圓滑的邊緣,易於抓握的前開式手柄,並且內部曲線設計便於取出內容物。輕便的儲物箱易於在活動之間攜帶。低矮的開放式架子鼓勵孩子們獨立選擇他們喜歡的活動,培養組織能力,並在遊戲結束時進行清理。四個輪子使其便於移動,能將儲物單元從走廊移動到美術室。這款櫃子由可持續採伐的白樺膠合板製成,表面塗有耐磨的清漆,抵抗刮擦。UV 抑制劑有助於家具抵抗紫外線和變黃。白樺膠合板極其耐用,能夠承受早期教育環境中的日常使用。
Keep your classroom organized with ECR4Kids Multi-Section Mobile Storage Cabinet with Bins. Kids and adults can organize and store toys, games, building blocks, and school supplies that may otherwise be forgotten. Designed to grow with little ones, this storage cabinet with 15 cubbies, 12 trays, and five slots helps parents, teachers, and educators keep small items within reach. The various sizes of storage slots give children their cubby at school to store homework, art pieces, and other personal items. Durable plastic bins feature rounded edges, an easy-to-grasp scoop front handle, and a curved interior to simply remove contents. Lightweight bins are easy to carry between activities. The low-profile open-face shelves encourage little ones to select their favorite activity independently, introduce organizational skills, and clean up when playtime is over. Four casters are included for mobility; move the storage unit from a hallway to the art room. Constructed from sustainably harvested birch plywood with a durable finish sealing the wood surface and resisting scratching. A UV inhibitor helps furniture resist ultraviolet light and yellowing. Birch plywood is extremely durable and will hold up to everyday use in an early childhood environment.