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Usborne Night Sound Book 夜晚的聲音觸摸發聲書

Usborne Night Sound Book 夜晚的聲音觸摸發聲書

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Usborne Night Sound Book 夜晚的聲音觸摸發聲書 Night Sound Book

在這本迷人的有聲書中發現夜晚的魔力。 當小孩子按下這本插圖精美的書頁上的聲音按鈕時,他們會喜歡聽睡貓的咕嚕聲、貓頭鷹的嘰嘰喳喳和蝙蝠的吱吱聲。 有一個簡單的故事可以大聲朗讀,也有可以窺視的洞和可以探索的指跡。

Discover the magic of the night in this enchanting sound book. Little children will love listening to sleeping cats purring, owls twit-twooing and bats squeaking when they press the sound buttons on the pages of this beautifully illustrated book. There’s a simple story to read aloud, holes to peep through and fingertrails to explore, too.

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