Usborne Look Inside an Airport Look Inside an Airport 機場 揭秘系列翻翻書
Usborne Look Inside an Airport Look Inside an Airport 機場 揭秘系列翻翻書
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Usborne Look Inside an Airport Look Inside an Airport 機場 揭秘系列翻翻書
在這本引人入勝的書中,您可以看到熙熙攘攘的機場的幕後故事,飛機沿著跑道飛速翱翔,需要升起 50 多個襟翼。 年幼的孩子會著迷於了解機場的運作方式,並看到設備和機器、車輛和乘客,所有這些都配有色彩繽紛的插圖。 場景包括“搬運行李”、“準備飛機”、“起飛”和“搬運貨物”。 這本書內容豐富,充滿驚喜,非常適合小手指和好奇心。
See behind the scenes at a bustling airport, as planes speed along the runway and soar into the sky in this fascinating book with over 50 flaps to lift. Young children will be fascinated to find out how an airport works, and see the equipment and machines, vehicles and passengers, all colourfully illustrated. Scenes include ‘Handling baggage’, ‘Preparing the plane’, ‘Taking off’ and ‘Carrying cargo’.