Usborne Lift-the-flap Shapes Lift-the-flap Shapes 形狀 幼兒早教翻翻書
Usborne Lift-the-flap Shapes Lift-the-flap Shapes 形狀 幼兒早教翻翻書
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Usborne Lift-the-flap Shapes Lift-the-flap Shapes 形狀 幼兒早教翻翻書
一本色彩繽紛的翻蓋板書,可幫助孩子們以有趣的方式學習形狀。 每頁都有一個充滿發現、命名和計數活動的插圖場景,從馬戲表演到海邊旅行和夏季野餐。 活動包括在馬戲團舉起圓形、三角形和星形的襟翼以揭開隱藏的表演者,以及在海邊舉起沙灘球、風箏和雨傘尋找動物。 有 80 多個翻蓋可以掀起,每一頁都有很多值得發現和談論的地方,即使對於預讀者也是如此。
A colourful lift-the-flap board book to help children learn about shapes in a fun way. Each page features an illustrated scene full of spotting, naming and counting activities, from a circus show to a trip to the seaside and a summer picnic. Activities include lifting circular, triangular and star-shaped flaps at the circus to uncover the hidden performers, and searching for animals at the seaside by lifting beach balls, kites and umbrellas. With over 80 flaps to lift.