Weplay Motor Skill Basic Set 萬象簡易組
Weplay Motor Skill Basic Set 萬象簡易組
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Weplay Motor Skill Basic Set 萬象簡易組
- 涵蓋爬、走、跑、跳等複合式肢體動作到拋、接、丟、投等手部活動的動 作領域。
- 幼兒園所可依不同的教學目標,做各種學習情境的規劃,讓孩子體智能得到充分發展。
- 打破小空間環境的限制,可隨場地大小調整活動路徑,創造最有趣的遊戲空間,得到最大的活動效能。
- 組合建構變化無窮,好玩好收拾,可全部置於收拾袋中,不佔空間。
- 質材精良的塑膠材質,堅固耐用,是學前機構必備的動作遊戲器材。
品 號 6800KM2000.1-034
適合年齡 3Y+
商檢字號 M34979
批 號 2101001
商品重量 12.7 KG
包裝尺寸長 62x寬17x高82 (cm)
包裝重量 13 KG
Product Feature
- The motor skill education series is ideal for various age groups and meets the demands for development and theme based exercises.
- The components in the Motor Skill Set can be used separately or in combination to provide a platform for children to improve their physical skills.
Play Value
- Suitable for conducting physical movements in limited space, the walk routes could be assembled at will and create different activities.
- Using spatial variation and different activities, Motor Skill Universal Set is an ideal obstacle course.
- Motor Skill Universal Set helps to develop motor co-ordination, integration and movement planning ability.
- Storage Bag dimensions: 71 x 83 x 15 cm (L x W x H)
- Components:
- Half Brick x 12
- Brick x 8
- Hoop (35 cm) x 4
- Hoop (60 cm) x 4
- Pole (35 cm) x 16
- Pole (70 cm) x 8
- Clip A x 12
- Clip B x 12
- Bean Bag x 10
- Balance Beam x 4
- Handprint x 6
- Footprint x 6
- Materials include: High-quality Plastic, Cotton Fabric, High-grade Synthetic Rubber
- Country of origin: Taiwan