HABA 301318 Caterpillar Dice Color Matching Game 毛毛蟲骰子顏色配對遊戲
HABA 301318 Caterpillar Dice Color Matching Game 毛毛蟲骰子顏色配對遊戲
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HABA Caterpillar Dice Tin Game 毛毛蟲骰子顏色配對遊戲
蠕動,爬行──那兒有什麼在爬行?是五顏六色的毛毛蟲從樹葉下一點一點鑽出來的!誰有幸擲出正確顏色的骰子,完成自己的毛毛蟲,並最終贏得了這場色彩繽紛的骰子遊戲。 HABA 的這些盒子遊戲是真正的經典!它們存放在這個緊湊的金屬盒中,可以帶到任何地方。由於其簡單的規則,HABA 的卡特彼勒骰子已經適合3 歲以上的兒童,HABA 的卡特彼勒骰子以其簡單的規則令人信服,可以立即玩耍,具有令人興奮的記憶版本,在堅固的金屬盒中,因此很好適合隨身攜帶或作為禮物,
Creeping, crawling - what's crawling there? It’s the colorful caterpillars that emerge from under the leaves little by little! Whoever is lucky enough to roll the dice of the correct color completes their own caterpillar and ultimately wins this colorful dice game. These box games from HABA are true classics! They are stored in this compact metal box and can be taken anywhere. Thanks to its simple rules, HABA's Caterpillar Dice is already suitable for children from 3 years old. HABA's Caterpillar Dice convinces with its simple rules and can be played immediately, with an exciting memory version, in a sturdy Comes in a metal box, so it's great to take with you or give as a gift,