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Animal-shaped Bean Bag Couch 動物款豆袋沙發

Animal-shaped Bean Bag Couch 動物款豆袋沙發

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Animal-shaped Bean Bag Couch 動物款豆袋沙發

Available 可選擇:
Shark 鯊魚 藍灰色 90*90*55 cm
Hippo 河馬 綠色 50*75*60 cm

填充物: 泡沬粒子
面料: 牛津布
承重: 90 公斤

我們的豆袋收納椅套在設計時充分考慮了您的樂趣和舒適度。 憑藉其鮮豔的色彩和設計,它們將普通的豆袋變成您的孩子一定會喜歡的引人注目的座椅。
您可以輕鬆地將這些可愛的兒童豆袋椅擦拭乾淨。 這些豆袋椅套採用防水聚酯製成,可有效防止豆子溢出和液體滲入。

Material: Oxford fabric
Max load: 90 KG
Our bean bag storage chair covers are designed with your fun and comfort in mind. With their vibrant colors and designs, they transform ordinary bean bags into eye-catching seats your kids will surely love.
You can easily wipe these cute kids’ bean bag chairs clean. Made with water-repellent polyester, these bean bag chair covers effectively keep beans from spilling out and liquids from leaking in.

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